RTS Supply and Service LLC is dedicated to providing quality tools we can stand behind proudly.
Formerly Robbies Trap Set, RTS started with the "One Handed Trap Setter" by Robbie Robinson from Northwestern Ontario Canada. Robbie trapped in the area for almost 40 years and needed an easier, safer way to set body grip traps while out in the cold. Robbie found it difficult to keep up with selling the Trap Setters and wanted to get back on the trap line so he passed the business on to family friend and fellow trapper Shawn Hoesing.
Shawn lives and has trapped in Eastern Nebraska his whole life. He runs the river most of the fall and winter trapping beaver, raccoon, mink, muskrat, coyote and fox. Shawn has engineered and redesigned the RTS Setter to be stronger and more consistent in quality while keeping the original ease of use of the Trap Setter.
Since then Shawn has continued trapping and came up with the Collapse A Cubby out of his own necessity.
RTS is a wholesaler. If you would like to retail our products, please contact either our USA distributor or our Canadian distributor on the contact page.